When completing financial due diligence on a potential acquisition, there is a need to be fast while at the same time being very thorough in the process of completing the due diligence. Below are ten ways to strike the right balance in order to achieve the above objectives. 

1. Agree on a specific Due Diligence blueprint

The due diligence process requires a well-laid-down plan to ensure that it is effective and efficient. Describe the specifics of each phase of the review in terms of its goals, tasks, and time frame. Concentrate on such sensitive sections as revenue checks and expenses evaluation to avoid dispersion of efforts and delays. 

2. Gather a Qualified Due Diligence Team

Assemble a group of specialists who can work on the problem from financial and accounting perspective, legal background, and the specific industry. Everyone can work in his field of specialization, thus, making the review process thorough and effective. This specialization makes it easier to achieve the goal while at the same time ensuring that the work is done effectively. 

3. Make Use of ICT and Business Intelligence

Utilize sophisticated instruments and applications to obtain, process, and compile data. This saves time and effort for the team and directs them to address the strategic aspects of the review. Big data can help to detect patterns and variations, which add to the speed and efficiency of financial due diligence. 

4. Conduct Preliminary Assessments

In addition, it is important to carry out initial analyses to determine significant problems that may exist. This first pass assists in directing future work to high-risk issues as well as avoiding the waste of time spent on conducting detailed analysis on low-risk issues. 

5. Attention to key financial indicators.

Focus on such key financial factors as EBITDA, revenue, gross and net profit margins, and operating cash flow. These metrics offer the team an efficient way of gaining a quick yet general understanding of the target’s financial status. 

6. Maintain Open Communication Channels

Communicate and engage with the target company’s management and advisors as much and as clearly as possible. Clear and open communication ensures that any required information is acquired at the right time and concerns are solved on the spot, thus reducing the time that will be taken in reviewing. 

7. Checklists and Standardized Templates

Organize checklists and templates that will help the process run through all the necessary areas systematically. These tools simplify the process, help avoid some pitfalls, and increase the effectiveness and uniformity of the due diligence work. 

8. Make use of Expert’s Tips for Due Diligence

Get to know from other professionals and previous experiences to gain good tips and tricks. Integrate some of the best practices and avoid some of the mistakes that are likely to slow down the due diligence process while at the same time making it more effective. 

9. Implement a Risk-Based Approach

Organize work with reference to the degree of threat that has been defined in the identified risks. This involves concentrating on critical areas of the business that include; legal requirements and solvency. This way of working makes sure that all material is reviewed, and time is not wasted on irrelevant information. 

10. Continuous Monitoring and Review

Continuously review the objectives and identify if there is any need for the change of strategy. It allows for the identification of problems that hinder the due diligence process and their subsequent elimination, thus maintaining the efficiency of the process. There is always a plan in place to ensure that all members of the team are moving in the right direction while the growing challenges are tackled as and when they arise. 

10 Ways to balance speed and thoroughness when conducting financial due diligence on a potential acquisition


This paper argues that there is a tension between speed and depth when conducting financial due diligence in acquisitions. Thus, the strategy of a clear and coherent plan, utilizing of technology, concentration on the most important indicators and free communication allows investors to make efficient and profound evaluations of potential acquisitions. The following strategies help to make the due diligence processes quite efficient and effective to support the right investment due diligence process decisions for strategic objectives.