In a low interest rate regime, the investor has the problem of searching for good securities that are safe and can give reasonable returns. Principal protected investments are most appealing when there are such conditions because the principal is protected and there may be some limited appreciation. In this article, we introduce several types of principal protected investments, their advantages and approaches to their integration into an investment portfolio.

Understanding Principal Protected Investments

Principal protected investments are basically structured in a way that the principal invested will always be protected regardless of the prevailing market conditions. This protection makes them attractive to conservative investors, especially in a low interest rate environment where other low risk, low return instruments such as savings accounts, and CDs are not very attractive. These investments are designed to provide the safety of fixed income investment along with the growth factor of other investments like equity or commodities.

1. Fixed Annuities

Principal protected investments are fixed annuities among the most popular ones. They provide the assured rate of return for a fixed period, which can go from a few years to several decades. Fixed annuities are more beneficial in a low-interest-rate climate because they offer a higher return than most savings accounts and guarantee the principal amount. They are especially appropriate for income-oriented investors, especially those in their retirement age.

Fixed annuities are financial products offered by insurance firms; the investor is paid a predetermined amount at specified intervals. This structure provides protection to principles as well as the ability to forecast certain income. However, one must be careful with the credit standing of the issuing company because the guarantee is only as good as the credit quality of the issuer.

2. Principal Protected Notes (PPNs)

Principal protected notes are financial instruments that are compounded of a zero-coupon bond and an option or another derivative tied to an asset, an index, or a commodity. The zero-coupon bond guarantees the recovery of face value at the bond’s maturity while the option offers the holder the opportunity to participate in the appreciation of the linked asset.

Specifically, PPNs provide a better opportunity to get a higher yield than basic bonds or deposits with a fixed capital in a condition of low interest rates. They let the investors benefit from the market while at the same time protecting their capital. However, PPNs can be elaborate and could attract higher charges, hence, the necessity to grasp their structures and the potential dangers they pose.

3. U. S. Treasury Securities

Treasury bonds, notes, and bills are some of the safest investments with principal protected since they are issued by the U. S. Treasury. Though the returns on the treasury might not be very high in the current low interest rate regime, they are highly secure.

Thus, for the investors who are interested in principle preservation, long-term treasury bonds can be an effective investment tool. Moreover, there is a type of bonds known as Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) that helps protect against inflation; TIPS’ face value is adjusted with respect to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This feature helps in the fact that the purchasing power of the investment is kept intact in the future.

4. High-Quality Corporate Bonds

Another principal protected investment opportunity is high quality corporate bonds which are floated by financially sound corporations. These bonds usually offer higher returns than government securities; they are, therefore, suitable in a low-interest rate environment. The main idea is to emphasize bonds of the companies that have high credit ratings to avoid the risk of getting the bond’s issuer to default.

Corporate bonds have fixed coupon and pay the amount at maturity, which may also vary. To further reduce risk, investors can look at bonds that belong to investment grade category as they have lower default risk. Expanding by the issuers and sectors can also add more stability and income to a portfolio.

5. Certificate of Deposit Ladders

Certificates of deposit are types of time deposit products offered by banks bearing a fixed rate of interest and a fixed date of maturity. It is useful when the interest rates are low, as the CD ladder balances the best features of the CDs while providing the maximum liquidity and protecting the principal.

A CD ladder is when one invests in CDs with different maturity dates, for instance, one year, two years, three years, and so on. When each CD reaches its due date, the principal can be rolled over to a new longer-term CD at possibly higher interest rates. This strategy helps the firm to maintain adequate liquidity while at the same time earning better returns on the longer-term CDs as compared to the short term ones.

Integrate Principal Protected Investments into a Portfolio

Diversification of portfolio is very important in order to reduce risks and increase the overall returns. Hence, even in the context of low interest rates, an investor should hold a combination of principal protected securities and other classes of assets. This approach enables one to avoid volatility while at the same time achieving growth objectives.

Principal protected products such as fixed annuities, PPNs, Treasury securities, high quality corporate bonds, and CD ladders when combined with equities, real estate, and other investment instruments, provides a strong portfolio. These kinds of investments are useful in diversifying the investment portfolio so that in case of market fluctuations and also changes in the interest rates the investor is not so much affected because most of the income is generated from the dividends and the capital is preserved.


In a low-interest-rate world, principal protected investments provide an answer to capital preservation with a little bit of growth on the side. Fixed annuities, principal protected notes, U. S. Treasury securities, high quality corporate bonds, and CD ladders are some of the available securities with different levels of safety and return. Including these security of protected investment options in one’s portfolio enables an investor to protect the principal, earn income as well as manage the low-interest environment successfully.